The CMS Hunter Headless CMS Review on Payload CMS

Paul the CMS hunter gives you the details, pros and cons of Payload CMS.

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Payload CMS Rating by Users

4.8 out of 5

Payload CMS Overview

PayloadCMS is no ordinary headless CMS; it's a serious contender that brings a unique twist to getting your project off the ground. First step: tinker with the config file. This is your control panel, dictating everything from your database setup to your APIs and even the look of your Admin UI. Once that's sorted, you get a neatly packaged database schema, powerful APIs, and an Admin UI that's ready for the big leagues.
The fun doesn't stop there. Payload's code-centric approach gives you more leeway to jazz up your project than a lot of other CMSs out there. Hook it up to an Express app, and you're the boss—every single part of the system bends to your will. The feature list is nothing to sneeze at either. We're talking 20 pre-built field types, hooks for documents and individual fields, and an Admin UI you can trick out to match your brand or your client's. With all these perks, PayloadCMS is definitely worth a deeper dive.

Payload CMS Pricing



Payload Cloud Standard

$35.00 Per Month

Payload Cloud Pro

$199.00 Per Month

Payload Enterprise

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Payload CMS Pros

  • Highly Customizable
  • MIT License
  • Central Config File
  • Flexible Hooks & Access Control
  • Custom Validation Logic
  • Starter Templates

Payload CMS Cons

  • Flexibility Requires Expertise
  • Limited Database Options
  • No Visual Builder

Payload CMS is popular in these industries

Computer Software

Information Technology and Services



Program Development


Payload CMS Features

Multilingual Dashboard

Multilingual Content

Publishing Schedule


Automatic Save

Content Preview

Various Workspaces


Adjustable UI

Member Roles

User Defined Roles

Structure Management

Restful API


Image Services API

Content Handling API

Content Field Types

Custom Content Field Types


Command Line Interface

Software Dev Kit


Available Free Option

Team Contributors

Regional Settings



Two Step Verification


Team Activity Logs


Data Protection Regulation


Service Organization Control 2 (soc2)





Integrated Backup Recovery


Payload CMS Popularity

The search interest for Payload CMS shows a pattern of gradual growth with some fluctuations. Initially, the interest was sporadic, with occasional spikes, suggesting a growing awareness or specific events driving attention. Over time, there's a noticeable trend of increasing search interest, especially from mid-2022 onwards. This steady growth could be due to various factors like product enhancements, increased marketing efforts, or growing user base. However, there are still periods of low interest, indicating potential challenges in maintaining consistent visibility. To build on this momentum, focusing on strategies like community engagement, continuous product improvement, and effective marketing could be beneficial.

Payload CMS can proudly claim a high level of popularity on Reddit, whereas on Stack Overflow, it garners only marginal interest.


Number of Reddit points


Number of asked questions


Number of Github stars

Paul's review on Payload CMS

Introducing Payload CMS: A Developer's Dream Come True

Payload CMS isn’t just your average content management system. It’s a top-notch solution made for devs who love having control and customization. With its fully customizable admin UI, right down to the nitty-gritty of authentication and access controls, Payload is the choice for those keen to make the most of its extensive features.

User Interface: Customization at Its Core

Payload's default UI is straightforward and neat, but the real magic is in how you can customize it. The config file lets you completely redo the UI, swapping out built-in React components for your own. Picture a color picker component that makes editing field values a breeze – that’s what Payload delivers.

Exploring Payload: The Interface and the Experience


The Payload interface is a real treat – it's sleek yet simple to use. Right from the get-go, it gives you easy access to collections set up during Payload's installation. These collections are basically bundles of specific data items, and they're laid out right in the middle of the main view for your convenience.


In Payload, creating collections is a coding job. You’ll find them in the 'src -> collections' folder. Each file in there represents a different collection, and it's in these files where you define what each field is like. After you've set up your structure in the code and given your local server a restart, Payload's interface will update to show your new collection. Then you’re all set to start chucking items into your brand-new collection.


When you click on one of these collections in Payload, you can start adding a new item. You just fill in the data into the fields tied to that collection. Once you've added a new item, you can immediately have a squiz at the API response. Just click on the API URL link down in the bottom right corner. This shows you the JSON data format of the structure you've just put together, now chockers with the content you've added.

Robust API Options

Payload is a standout with its auto-generated REST and GraphQL APIs, making data fetching smooth and efficient. For server-side rendering frameworks like NextJS, its local API cuts out the need for third-party server requests. And authentication? Easy as, with a suite of operations for JWT-enabled collections.

Community and Support: Rapid Growth and Accessibility

Since kicking off in 2021, Payload's community has exploded. Its active maintenance on GitHub and growing stargazers reflect its increasing popularity. Going completely free in 2022 has only boosted its appeal, with options for official support and SLA-based enterprise support.

Features: Versions, Autosave, and Content Preview

Payload’s versioning system lets you dive deep into document history, while autosave keeps your progress safe. The preview feature lets you check out changes without going live, upping the efficiency of content management.

Team Collaboration and Access Control

Payload nails team collaboration, offering smart access control at multiple levels: Global, Collections, and Fields. This flexibility means team members only get to the stuff they need, boosting security and efficiency.

Dashboard i18n: A Global Approach

Payload’s plan to internationalize its admin panel shows a commitment to worldwide accessibility, with multiple language options for non-English speakers.

Pricing: Free and Unrestricted

Payload’s move to a completely free model under the MIT license in May 2022 is a big deal, offering unrestricted use for projects of all sizes.

Payload for Developers: A Comprehensive Tool

Payload is built with developers in mind, providing all the tools needed to build and manage content for various digital products. Features like Mongo database integration, full REST and GraphQL APIs, and deep access control highlight its dev-friendly nature. Its recent shift to an open-source, free MIT license further cements its dedication to the developer community.

Why Choose Payload CMS?

Payload stands out for its simplicity, potential for customization, and solid API options. Whether it’s jazzing up the UI or ensuring slick content management with robust APIs, Payload offers a level of control that’s hard to beat.

Payload CMS in Action

Payload isn’t just theory; it’s practical and adaptable. It’s been used in everything from online games to ecommerce platforms, proving its versatility and strength. Founded by seasoned web devs and backed by a digital design agency, Payload is grounded in real-world application and developer needs.

In conclusion, Payload CMS is a dynamic, adaptable, and developer-focused platform that revolutionizes content management. Its customization capabilities, robust API options, and commitment to community support make it a top pick for a wide range of projects. Whether you’re whipping up a simple blog or a complex ecommerce site, Payload offers the tools and flexibility needed to excel in the digital world.

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