The CMS Hunter Headless CMS Review on Directus

Paul the CMS hunter gives you the details, pros and cons of Directus.

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Directus Rating by Users

5 out of 5

Directus Overview

Directus CMS is like the Swiss army knife for your database; it turns it into a headless data engine system that can handle anything you throw at it. Got data? Directus will take it and whip up APIs you can use in your app, leaving you free to focus on the cool stuff. But that's not all. They've got a dashboard that you can tweak until it's just right, all the tools and extensions you could ever want, and even options for automating the boring stuff. Plus, you get to pick the framework that fits your project best. And, of course, it's got all the usual bells and whistles—data filtering, permission managing, and commenting for when you're teaming up with others. If you're a developer, you're in luck because Directus has got your back with documentation, API references, and tutorials to help you get everything up and running smoothly.

Directus Pricing

Professional Cloud

Starting at $99.00 Per Month

Enterprise Cloud

Starting at $599.00 Per Month

Community Self-Hosted


Enterprise Self-Hosted

Contact Us

Directus Pros

  • Open Source
  • Self-hostable
  • API-based CMS
  • Version 9 is Javascript Based
  • Graphql
  • Data visualizations
  • Flows
  • User permissisons
  • User roles
  • Components
  • Modular
  • Responsiveness
  • Useful API
  • Metrics

Directus Cons

  • Relational Databases Only
  • API Complexity
  • Limited URL Filters

Directus CMS is popular in these industries

Computer Software

Program Development

Real Estate

Computer & Network Security



Directus CMS Features

Multilingual Dashboard

Multilingual Content

Publishing Schedule



Automatic Save


Content Preview


Various Workspaces



Adjustable UI

Member Roles

User Defined Roles

Structure Management


Restful API


Image Services API

Content Handling API

Content Field Types

Custom Content Field Types



Command Line Interface

Software Dev Kit

Available Free Option

Team Contributors


Regional Settings




Two Step Verification


Team Activity Logs


Data Protection Regulation

Service Organization Control 2 (soc2)





Integrated Backup Recovery

Directus CMS Popularity

The search interest for Directus CMS shows a pattern of sporadic peaks and troughs, indicating fluctuating attention. This pattern may reflect periods of heightened activity, such as new releases or updates, followed by lulls. Despite these occasional spikes, Directus CMS doesn't show a consistent trend of increasing interest over time. This suggests that while it manages to capture attention periodically, maintaining a steady growth in interest remains a challenge.

Directus maintains a moderate level of popularity on both the Stack Overflow and Reddit platforms, providing users with the opportunity to learn more about Directus.


Number of Reddit points


Number of asked questions


Number of Github stars

Paul's review on Directus

Introduction to Directus

Directus, a top open-source headless CMS, offers a cracking framework for managing custom SQL-based databases. First out in 2006 and having evolved since, its current version has a solid web app and API, linking authored data to all sorts, from websites to IoT devices. Unlike traditional CMS platforms, Directus is all about versatile content creation and management, independent of where it ends up, giving you heaps of freedom and flexibility for different uses.

Exploring Directus: The Interface and the Experience


Logging into Directus, the first thing that grabs your attention is the Content View. It's where you can get all your site's content neat and organized. You can group your content, slap on different colors to these groups for a cleaner look, and make certain content types stand out. Plus, over on the right, there are more tools to help you organize things, like tweaking the layout and sorting out the spacing.


What's ace about Directus is it doesn't just chuck a default dashboard at you loaded with stuff you might not need, like a lot of other CMS platforms do. It lets you set up your own personalized dashboard. You get to pick the widgets you want – things like the number of tasks, projects, files, folders, tasks with specific statuses, and more. The goal here is to create a dashboard that's just packed with the info you actually want, making your experience streamlined and spot-on for your needs.


To whip up a data model in Directus, head over to the Settings tab and click on 'Data Model'. Here, you can create and tweak collections within your project. You can add fields to your collection and give it a bit of flair in the setup, like choosing colors, icons, and jotting down notes for other users. This level of customizing means each collection is unique and perfectly tailored for what your project needs.

Directus: A Deep Dive

Headless Approach: Directus nails the 'headless' CMS architecture, splitting content creation from how it’s shown. This lets content be used all over the shop, breaking free from the usual web-only focus of traditional CMS.

Database Mirroring: Directus is a standout because it mirrors your SQL database, working as a user-friendly database GUI. This means your content structure fits your project's needs perfectly, with Directus and its API adapting to any schema changes.

Accessing Your Data: Directus gives you three ways to get to your data: its RESTful API for JSON format data, language-specific SDKs for extra convenience, and direct database connection for unrestricted data access.

User Interface: Directus boasts a simple, intuitive interface that’s been refined over a decade, making content management a breeze. It supports loads of data types and includes a top-notch file-manager, doubling as a digital asset management system.

Modularity and Extensibility: Directus is built for flexibility, letting users shape the CMS to their needs. You can change everything from the CMS style to custom code, and Directus has tools for creating custom add-ons, boosting its adaptability.

Directus in Action

Project Setup: In Directus, you can tweak project settings like name, color, and logo, and set user password requirements.

Data Modeling: Directus lets you easily create Collections (database tables) and Fields (database columns). Features like Singleton fields for unique pages, system fields for metadata, and customizable interfaces for field interaction add to its functionality.

API Utilization: Directus supports both RESTful and GraphQL APIs, providing secure data access with token-based authentication and granular data retrieval.

User Management: The platform includes solid User Management with detailed permissions and multiple sign-in integrations, supporting efficient team collaboration.

Pricing and Support

Directus has a free self-hosted option, plus cloud plans for more support. Community support is available through channels like Discord, along with the core team's support for cloud-managed projects.


Directus stands out as a versatile, user-friendly headless CMS, perfect for a wide range of data-driven projects. Its open-source nature and heaps of customization options make it a strong choice for enterprises and developers after a tailored content management solution. With ongoing improvements and a robust community, Directus is shaping up to be a big player in the CMS game.

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