The CMS Hunter Headless CMS Review on Bold

Paul the CMS hunter gives you the details, pros and cons of Bold.

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Bold Rating by Users

4.4 out of 5

Bold Overview

Bold ain't your average CMS; it's like the swiss army knife for your content, slicing through the hassle so you can publish your yarns far and wide, without a worry about where it's gotta go. For the scribblers and scribes, Bold's like a newsroom buzzin' with ideas, kitted out with tools that make storytelling smoother than a kangaroo's hop. It's got your back with SEO and social smarts, and mates well with big players like Apple News and Google News.
While the creatives are busy spinnin' tales, Bold's down in the trenches, taking care of the server squabble and battening down the security hatches. For the tech-heads, there's API access and design help to get the front-end show up and running.
Plus, Bold's as friendly as a local barbie, with easy onboarding, a support team ready to yarn 24/7, and sturdy as an old gum tree infrastructure. Ready to give it a crack?

Bold Pricing

Headless CMS

$99 per month

Headless CMS + Front-End

Talk to Us Custom

Bold Pros

  • Feature-Rich Platform
  • Bug-Free Customization
  • Effective Account Management
  • Robust Editor Workflow

Bold Cons

  • Partial Pagebuilder
  • Complexity
  • High Entry Cost

Bold CMS Popularity

The search interest data for Bold CMS shows a general pattern of low activity, with occasional spikes in interest. These spikes could be related to updates, new feature releases, or marketing efforts. The mostly low levels of search interest suggest that Bold CMS may not be as widely known or used as other CMS platforms, or it could indicate a niche market. For businesses or developers considering Bold CMS, understanding the context behind these interest peaks and the general low profile in search trends could be important for strategic decisions.